How Mindfulness and Meditation Can Help Your Brain Health

The brain is perhaps the most interesting organ in the human body.  It is incredibly complex, dynamic and new things being discovered about the brain

“There have been numerous studies done on how meditation and mindfulness benefit your brain function and health long term, and it’s extremely beneficial in patients with mental health issues, such as anxiety, reports Dr Vanessa Ruiz, a naturopathic doctor who addresses mental health issues through mind-body therapies.  Here’s what the science is saying about meditation and mindfulness: 

Neuroscience Behind Meditation And Mindfulness 

Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at the Harvard Medical School, studies the brain using MRI technology, analyzing changes in the brain during activities such as yoga or meditation.

During these mindful experiences, MRI imaging has shown that the physical structures of the brain can change. One study conducted revealed that meditation and mindfulness activities prevented or slowed down the thinning of the frontal cortex. This is meaningful as the frontal cortex deals with memories and maintaining volume in that area could prevent aging and memory loss. 

In a second study from Lazar, subjects were tested to see the positive effects of mindfulness and meditation. Subjects participated in eight weeks of mindfulness practices and upon completion, imaging showed a decrease in volume at the amygdala, an area of the brain that activates the fight or flight response. 

Long term, mindfulness and meditation may help  those with depression, insomnia and anxiety reduce stressful situations.

Benefits Of Meditation And Mindfulness 

Here are some of the main benefits of meditation and mindfulness that can improve the quality of your life:

·      Improves attention span and focus 

·      Increases tolerance levels

·      Improves your emotional intelligence

·      Boosts traits such as compassion, empathy, kindness, and acceptance

·      Increases self-awareness

·      Boosts emotional health

These are traits we all need if we want to live a healthy and peaceful life. However, the benefits of these don’t stop here. There are many mental health benefits of meditation and mindfulness too. Let’s explore those. 

Benefits Of Meditation And Mindfulness On Mental Health 

Here are some of the main mental health benefits of meditation and mindfulness:

·      Lower stress levels 

·      Lower anxiety

·      Can help prevent relapse into depression

·      Decreases feelings of loneliness

·      Helps fight negative thoughts and patterns

·      Improved quality of sleep

“I’ve seen many of my patients improve by implementing these in their daily practice, says Dr. Vanessa Ruiz, “people are using them because it is helping them lead a better life in a world where our brains are always in a mode of hyperactivity.”

Final Words 

If you want to lead a better life then you should introduce mindfulness and meditation practices into your life. Once you engage in these practices consistently you will notice how better your life and brain health will be.  

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