How to Get Started in Holistic Nursing


How To Get Started In Holistic Nursing

Recently, the world has seen an increase in the number of people switching to holistic and alternative therapies for healing. Approximately 42% of people in the USA use alternative or integrative practices for their health. So, as a nurse, how can you become a part of it?

What Is Holistic Nursing?

Compared to conventional nursing practices, holistic nursing is an approach that treats every aspect of the human: the mind, body, emotion, and spirit.

The goal of this type of nursing approach is to fully support the healing process with natural and integrative resources available - some include reiki, therapeutic touch or aromatherapy. Everything is interconnected and no aspect should be ignored while helping the patient in recovery or through a medical condition. 

How To Get Started In Holistic Nursing

If you are looking to be a holistic nurse then the first thing you need to do is understand your own healing philosophy. Your healing philosophy is based on your beliefs about healing and how to support someone during the healing process.

Reflect on Your Healing Philosophy

To understand your healing philosophy, you will need to reflect on what healing means to you. This will help you guide others as you help them move through the process of healing. Some questions that can help you reflect:

How do you approach your own health? Is your healing philosophy promoting prevention? Do you believe the body can heal itself? What are the modalities and determinants that can help a patient heal and recover? Is your body better able to heal itself with holistic practices?

These are the questions you need to be answering to help you understand your healing philosophy. You can only practice what you preach and a healing philosophy serves as a guideline for your practice.

After understanding your healing philosophy, you can then decide which holistic practices and therapies help you support others - reiki, aromatherapy, touch therapy, yoga and many more.

Scope Of Practice

After understanding your healing philosophy and honing in on therapies or holistic practices you will help your patients with, it’s best to consult with the scope of the state you are choosing to practice in. For example, if you want to do acupressure then you will have to check in with the board of acupuncture and nursing board in your state before officially practicing the modalities and therapies. .

Do You Need Certifications To Practice As A Holistic Nurse?

Firstly, you need to have your Bachelor of Science Degree (BSN) or Associates in Nursing After that, you can take up different certifications such as yoga, aromatherapy and others to be better trained for your practice.

The American Holistic Nurses Association provides different courses in Holistic Nursing that you can take up. Other courses are also available through Nurses for Natural Health, whether online or in person workshops such as Restorative Yoga. The courses are short and give you a chance to practically apply all the knowledge you have gathered. 

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Practice

Now that you’ve understood your healing philosophy, focused in on therapies and certifications to help your patients with and understood your scope of practice, it’s time to tell others! Look in your area for like-minded practitioners so you can build a networking base for yourself and your patients.

In these times, it doesn’t hurt to use social media as well to enhance your practice. Use it to build a following and increase your presence so more people can get to know about your practices. Invite other practitioners to also experience your therapies.

Be creative with your work and find new ways to incorporate your practices with other people. Maybe your workplace needs a session on mindfulness practices to promote productivity? Look for such opportunities or create your own!

Bottom Line

Nothing good ever comes easy but all of this is doable. Holistic nursing is an increasing trend that many people are switching towards to recover and heal better.

Understand your healing philosophy, practice what you preach and networking will help set you up for success. More people need such practices so be the one to take a step by creating awareness and use your practice to make a difference in everyone's lives!

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Dr. Vanessa Ruiz